Monday, February 1, 2010

Post #3- Russia Protests Broken Up By Police

The following article, "Russia Protests Broken Up By Police", was published by BBC News on February 1st. This article was about a 10,000 person protest last Saturday about the rise of living costs in the Baltic territory of Kaliningrad. The police intervened when protests started shouting anti-government things holding up posters saying "Down with Putin!" and "Shame!" The police were forced to arrest
Kremlin critic Boris Nemtsov and rights activists Oleg Orlov and Lev Ponomarev.The 31st amendment in the Russian Constitution states that all citizens have the right to fight for their rights practically and peacefully. This protest last Saturday was a peaceful one and no violence was used. That is the very reason as to why Jerzy Buzek (The president of the European Parliament) has said that the Russian authorities were too harsh on these peaceful protesters. These protesters protested on the 31st of the month in defense of their right to protest. Why are these protesters resorting to these measures? It's because most of their applications to protest peacefully have been legally rejected therefore leaving them with no other choice.

Correlation: This article correlates with the concept of a democracy and civil rights and liberties. If Russia had a true democracy than the people's civil rights and liberties would be supported by legal authorities and wouldn't be over looked and rejected as they are currently in Russia. Also, this article correlates with the idea of revolution. These protests are an example of Bottom Up change because the people are the one's who would like a reform and are attempting to ask the government to satisfy their needs. Lastly, this correlates with the economic downfall this world is currently experiencing because of the fact that the living costs in
Kaliningrad are rising.

Grade this post.

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